Active income Vs Passive income


    In my line of work, I usually get asked a lot what is the difference between active income and passive income, and what are the different income types in my industry that can be found. I always remind everyone to look back at the "Rich Dad And Poor Dad" book by Robert Kiyosaki as its absolutely life-changing read if you understand it. Every day in and out I always see people chasing for next dollar figure or benefits, working on the left-hand side of the quadrant, where most focus on making only salary, margins, and commissionable income. In the future only to find later that there is a 2% increase in pay after years of working and a bunch of workplace politics. What a lot of people have not told any of us is what the right side focuses mainly on? It's called Royalty, Dividends, and Captial gains. Business owners are always looking for ways to increase their profits and revenues, they understand that a fundamental concept that money follows time, the more time that one person has, they can increase their volume of business and in turn money can also increase. 

Questions to ponder on:

1. Do I understand how to move from the left side where I am only making Salary, Margins, and Commission to the right side, where I can achieve Royalty, Dividends, and Captial Gains?

2. Am I chasing after money or is my money working hard for me?

3. What am I doing to increase my time so that my money will also increase?


  1. Very good points Edmond. The questions make us to reflect about the options for passive and active. Thank you for this.

    1. Glad that you like it! I got some idea good ideas lined up, so stay tuned and ill bring more value for everyone!


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