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What is a Segregated Fund?
When learning about finances, one of my favorite concepts to discuss with my team is this investment tool called Seggarated Fund. It opened my mind to another different avenue to how wealthy people actually make more money with their personal money. Funds that most wealthy people always take advantage of, is this Segregated Fund product. This fund not only has a Principal guarantee on maturity included in it, but it also has safety, bypass probate, resets to lock in new principals, active management, and can also have amazing returns on investments depending on where you are looking for them. The first time when I heard about it, it was when I was learning the difference between Mutual Funds and this, and I was astonished how undervalued it was. This amazing tool can bring your family lots of wealth if taught and used correctly. I would suggest discussing with your personal financial advisor how to obtain it as you do need an insurance license in order to learn more about it. What I can let you know is that each bank has its own separate division which gives access to these products, such as TD Waterhouse, BMO Nesbitt Burns, Scotia Mcleod, RBC Dominion Securities.
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