What are the eligible RESP grants in Canada?

    We live in such a blessed country where the government can actually provide us some amazing support for our children's education. The first question I always ask families that have children is are you taking advantage of the RESP benefits that the government has to offer? Many families still don't know the difference between individual and group plans, or even what kind of programs are their for their children. This can cause a huge impact on losses in the long term if not taught correctly. That's why I am so excited every day to go and help families, as this education is important and essential to everyone, and anyone should know about this. Above this paragraph is 3 grants that aren't really talked about from a lot of providers, the first grant is the BCTESG which you will need a form to submit, the rest is just to make sure you have the RESP account. The important part is that everyone that has children should start investing right away and taking advantage of this extra money.


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