It's time, not timing that matters


    Hi everyone, what I would love to share with everyone today this powerful concept that can separate you and everyone else. If you understand this, you are already much better then almost 90% of the people in this world. When we talk about investing this is the first concept I always show my client or new people joining us the first time. In this picture, you will see two investors who start to put in 10,000 towards their future. On the left-hand(Red) this investor always invested at the worst times when the market it was at its peak and hardest to buy a lot of units, both of them start on Dec 31. Meanwhile, on the right-hand side(Blue) this client always has good luck and invested at the time when the market was all lows. In the end, you can see that the interest rate difference was just only about 1.47%. The moral of this is that it doesn't matter how well you time it their interest is pretty close, what we need to understand here is that the time that is invested, which brings the investment close to 500K. 

Questions to ponder about:
- Do I have a plan in place so that in the future, I know that I will be taken care of and not have to rely on government pensions or know if my kids have to take care of me
- Am I leaving a legacy so that my next generation won't have to start off from scratch again?
- What am I doing, that one day if my children were to look back on the family tree, who would they remember that made the difference in the family?


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